Q. Is there direct access to the water from the property? How about a boat dock?
A. No. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers owns 24,842 acres of shoreline around the perimeter of the lake. Our property boarders the Corps boundary. This is huge, and nearly as much as the surface are of the lake itself. The terrific advantage this provides a massive buffer to keep commercial development well back from the edge of the water. This does wonders for keeping the water clean and pure. Dale Hollow Lake has a unique greenish tint to the water you will notice from the photos from our site. This simply doesn’t happen on other lakes that are surrounded by houses with septic systems right on the water's edge. The other cool thing about it is that most spots on the lake you cannot see signs of any development…feels like you are in complete seclusion of the wilderness! Also, no private docks whatsoever to ruin the beauty of nature.
Q. How far is Lake Cumberland from the Rice Retreat?
A. Lake Cumberland is in quite close proximity to the Rice Retreat. The nearest marina is Grider Hill Marina just north of State Road 90 in Kentucky. The drive time from the Rice Retreat is approximately 30 minutes. Other marina's on Cumberland's South Shore include Conley Bottom Resort and Beaver Creek Resort